Wednesday, February 14, 2018

MSA Celebrates 30th Anniversary :: Merle Alferez

MSA Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Academic Advancement Institute, parent company of MSA Publishing House, celebrates its 30th Anniversary today, Feb 14, 2018.  Congratulations and looking forward to more years of academic excellence.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

MSA PEPT Reviewers by Merle S. Alferez and MSA Teachers

MSA Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) 1
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) 2
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) 3
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) 4
Merle S. Alferez

The books are available in all MSA Academic Advancement Institute and National Bookstore branches. 
You may also order online at: MSA Online Store

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Ace Singapore Math Books by Merle S. Alferez

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 1
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 2
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 3
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 4
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 5
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Ace Singapore Math for Grade 6
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Mental Math Techniques by Merle S. Alferez

MSA Mental Math Additional Techniques
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Mental Math Squaring Techniques
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Mental Math Multiplication Techniques
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Mental Math Problem Solving Techniques
Merle S. Alferez

MSA Mental Math
Merle S. Alferez

Saturday, December 24, 2016

MSA Reference Books

MSA Quick Math Review
Merle S. Alferez
Ma. Cecilia Duro

MSA Math Training for Grade 5 Students
Merle S. Alferez
Ma. Cecilia Duro

MSA My Math Tutor in Algebra
Merle S. Alferez
Ma. Cecilia Duro

MSA My Tutor in Proving Trigonometric Identities
Merle S. Alferez
Ariel Omerez

Friday, December 23, 2016

MSA Math Competition Books by Merle S. Alferez

MSA Math Competition Books

by Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

Here are the books written by MSA Academic Advancement Institute to help prepare students competing in national and international math competitions like Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP), Metrobank Math Challenge (MMC), Mathematics Trainers' Guild (MTG), and Asian MathScie League Inc (AMSLI).

You can order the books from MSA Academic Advancement Branches or order online at MSA Online Store

MSA Math Competition Book for Grade 6
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

MSA Math Competition Book for High School
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute

MSA Math Competition Book for College
Merle S. Alferez
MSA Academic Advancement Institute